What is the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse?

Oct 14, 2013

The shake cleanse is meant to jump start you in your fitness, break a plateau or shred pounds fast and effectively in a healthy way in just 3 days!  If you've had a bad weekend and made not-so-great food choices, you're probably feeling sluggish and gross.  Am I right?  Because that's how I feel when I let myself have one too many cheat meals!  Try this awesome & effective 3-day Cleanse to reset your body & rejuvenate!  If you don't already have Shakeology, contact me to find out how to get it at a discount or if you're ready to order now, click here!  I also have individual packets of chocolate and vanilla Shakeology available for sale.


The basics are as follows:
3 SHAKEOLOGY shakes a day
2 cups of Green tea a day
2 pieces of fruit a day
1 salad for dinner
Only white grilled protein in salad.

Dairy or extra sugar
Only low fat dressings.
You can put your 2 snacks before/after any major meals-breakfast, lunch & dinner.
The fruit is optional.  Some will need the calories where others would not.  Power workout participants (super conditioned-not the weight challenged) are recommended the greater calories.
(For max results NO additives.)
NO DAIRY products at all for max results, no almond soy or rice milk.
Dinner salad was only WHITE GRILLED PROTEIN. Poultry or fish


Shakeology- 1 scoop
½ cup of fruit-optional
Add ice & 8-10 oz water

1 piece of fruit (apple, orange, banana, peaches).
Water 8-10 oz

Shakeology- 1 scoop, ice & 10 oz water.

(either a snack here or after dinner one or the other)
Shakeology, 1 scoop, ice and 8-10oz water.

Salad with grilled white fish or poultry with low fat dressing if you wish (I made my own with 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil & 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar.  Add as many veggies as you want!

You can have a snack here if you haven’t already had your snack earlier in the day.
I would drink a cup of green tea in the evenings to stave off my hunger!

For additional information or to place an order please contact Jaclyn Stokes at 412.508.8452 or JaclynStokes@hotmail.com