3-Day Refresh

Jul 6, 2014

Overindulged this weekend? Or maybe you're getting ready for your vacation or wedding and want to lose a few pounds fast, detox your body, get back on track?  Jump start your weight loss with new healthy eating habits & the 3-Day Refresh.  
3 day refresh results

The 3-Day Refresh is designed to give you fast, clean, and efficient weight loss.  You can quickly drop a few pounds, break a bad habit and get back on track!  It's 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of water, fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats so that you keep your energy and  your metabolism going.  It is not a juice or fasting diet but a healthy diet that is going to give your body nutrition vs starvation.  

Want additional support?  After the first 3 days, stay on track with Shakeology & clean eating during our 30-day group (details below)!  

What is the 3-Day Refresh?
The 3- Day Refresh consists of 3 daily shakes, a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water, plus a wide variety of fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats though out the day to keep fueling your body and increasing your metabolism.

3- Day Refresh Meal Plan:
1. Wake up- Drink 8-12 oz filtered water

2. Breakfast (within an hour of waking up)- Shakeology + fruit (from the list provided)

*Option for Green Tea

3. Mid-morning- FIBER SWEEP (digestive health drink)

4. Lunch- Vanilla FRESH (high protein, hunger-satisfying shake) + options from the fruit, veggie, and healthy fat list

5. Afternoon snack- From the fruit, veggie, or juice option list

*Option for Green Tea

6. Dinner- Vanilla FRESH + a meal from dinner recipe list

*Option for Green Tea

What is the Vanilla FRESH shake?
A high protein vanilla shake not only helps satisfy your hunger though out the day, but delivers essential nutrition your body needs for healthy weight loss.
This is also a perfect source of fiber, and it is DAIRY-FREE and SOY-FREE!

Nutrition Facts for Vanilla FRESH:
Plant protein: 20 gm
22 essential vitamins and minerals
Probiotics to promote digestive and immune health
Clinically tested potato protein extract to help curb hunger
No artificial flavors, color, preservatives, or sweeteners

A blend of soluble and insoluble fibers that gently and naturally eliminates waste from your digestive system, while supporting healthy intestinal flora.

- It is created from whole-ground flax, chia, and psyllium seed husks, FIBER SWEEP is an excellent source of fiber for digestive health

-Wholesome psyllium fiber can help naturally lower cholesterol and support healthy good sugar levels as a part of a healthy diet

-Since this plan is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, psyllium fiber husk may help reduce the risk of coronary artery disease (CAD).

- Flax and Chia are sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids

When should you start the 3-Day Refresh?
Many people start the Refresh on Friday morning so they can stay focused and disciplined through the weekend- while others may prefer to follow this during the week to avoid temptation of weekend activities. 
This is totally YOUR CALL of how and when you want to start this.  Bottom line- you want results and to make this a healthy lifestyle, it should be a good time when you decide they day YOU WANT TO COMMIT!

What to expect while on the Refresh:
This is NOT a starvation diet or an all-liquid diet, although it is low in calories (approx. 900 a day). You should not feel starved since it is packed with fiber and protein and you are nourishing your body properly. 

About the FIBER:
If you are not use to having lots of fiber in your regimen, I recommend you eat a large salad daily and a few servings of fresh veggies for the week up until your Refresh.  If you are not use to all the fiber and overload your body with fiber, you may feel uncomfortable gassy and bloating.  This is also a sign of your body cleaning itself up, which is what it is meant to do.  After you do this Refresh, you will want to increase your fiber levels in general (which is part of a healthy nutrition regimen).  
Fiber promotes satiety, helps balance blood sugar, and thus energy levels, promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps your digestive tract more regular.  It of course also helps you stay healthy and helps you lose weight! 

It is recommended that you drink tons of water, especially if you want the fiber to do its job right! How you know you get the right amount of water is by taking your weight / 2 and that number is how many ounces of water you should intake every day.
Example: My weight is 130.... 130/2= 65.... 65 ounces is what I need every day (not including your water for your shakes).
*Some people will drink 1 gallon to help maximize their result, which is an approach I personally used and love! It also helps you feel fuller and know the difference between hunger vs. boredom. 

During the 3-Day Refresh, it is recommended that you incorporate MILD to MODERATE exercise. This is because the 3 -Day Refresh will use your energy more effectively to help cleanse your system if you are not, at the same time, taxing it with the effort of repairing muscle after an intense workout.


People who want to lose weight fast
The 3-Day Refresh is a low-calorie program (about 900 calories a day) that whips your nutrition into shape so you lose inches
and pounds fast.

People who have tried and failed with other 3-day cleanses
3-Day Refresh is much healthier for long-term weight loss than a juice cleanse, and less expensive. It’s not a starvation or “liquid” diet, and allows you to eat “real” food!

People who want to kick-start better eating habits
Wanting to eat healthier and knowing how to do it are two completely different things. And this program teaches you how to make delicious and healthy meals that will fill you up without filling you out.

Anyone who has fallen off the wagon, been “bad” with their eating, or want to clean up their act (post-event, post-vacation)

This program will help keep you from craving bad foods so you can you lose weight and get back into the swing of eating healthy once again.

People who are not willing to make a commitment to a longer-term program/who are looking for fast results
This program is only 3 days! It’s incredibly simple to follow, with easy-to-prepare meals and snacks that are delicious.
It’s a no-brainer!

People who have never eaten healthy and need a way to start
Breaking bad habits is hard—especially if you’ve never known what it’s like to eat and be healthy. Not only will this program teach you what to eat, it’ll show you how to prepare food so it’s incredibly healthy as well as super-satisfying.

People who want more energy
Because the 3-Day Refresh cranks your metabolism and detoxifies your body, you’ll feel like you have so many more hours in your day.

Anyone who is getting ready for an event, trip, etc., and wants to look and feel better
Not only will the 3-Day Refresh help you lose weight, you’ll lose inches all around. You’ll also feel lighter, healthier, and Refreshed!