Today I had lunch with one of my amazing coaches, Gina Nocito Hutton, who is also one of the strongest, most inspiring women I've ever met. We talked about our "WHY's" and what keeps us going every day. We laughed, we cried, we shared ideas, and we DREAMED BIG as we said out loud what our goals are.
The biggest blessing with Beachbody that most people are unaware of, is that it can open doors for you to be able to do BIG THINGS, beyond just health & fitness. I shared with Gina my BIG goal that I WILL achieve by the end of next year...
When I first started coaching, my #1 goal was to leave my full-time job & become a stay-at-home mom...something I never envisioned I'd want to be in a million years (bc I love to work & was always career-focused) but the instant I became a mom, I realized that was my calling! After just 7 months as a coach, I achieved that goal. I feel SO incredibly blessed, but now I know I need to DO MORE.
They say that your WHY should be so big that is makes you cry... Well, (many tears later) here it goes! Something I haven't shared with many people other than a few of my close friends, is my parents' situation...
About a year ago, my dad was making his plans to retire along side my mom. They had invested every penny they owned & were set up to be comfortable. My dad, who has been a roofer since he was a teenager, has worked approx 70-80 hrs/week since we were little (including nights, weekends & holidays), just to be able to provide for his family. He donates any extra money he has to the church and spends next to nothing on himself.
He was finally getting ready to hang up his tool belt, when they got a call from their investor that the investment project went south & they had lost everything. They were devasted, as so was I.... I had this pit in my stomach... My dad is 64 years old with a heart condition that after 2 heart procedures, has yet to be fixed. I'm terrified to think what will happen if he doesn't retire soon...
So, I made it MY GOAL to retire my dad by the end of next year.
And it WILL happen! So when you hear Beachbody coaches talking about how you can make a 6-figure income within 2 years, it's not about "getting rich" and talking about making all this money, it's WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH IT that is truly LIFE-CHANGING. And we share that information bc what an amazing GIFT to be able to give that same opportunity to someone else! WHAT could you do for others or WHO could you help if you were able to financially? If you weren't held up working 50 hrs/week at your job?
I have no desire to be "rich", but I do have BIG DREAMS about how I am going to help others, help my family, make their lives more comfortable so they can retire & enjoy their golden years like they should. My parents gave me everything growing up & now it's time to return the love
If you connected with my story in any way & want to change your life or do big things for your family, please don't hesitate to message me about Coaching! It can truly change your life if you let it!