My Pursuit to Happiness

Feb 2, 2015

Watching this movie the other night, a lot of things hit home.  
the pursuit of happiness

When I first saw this movie, I was the person sitting there thinking, "Wow, that's so cool to go after your dreams!" But then I'd go back to my 60 hr/wk job, wishing I was living my dream - - which I clearly wasn't. It's not that the the passion wasn't there, I knew the life I wanted, but I didn't necessary have or know the vehicle to get me there.

I could have easily stayed where I was. I had a good job, but I felt unfulfilled. I wasn't passionate about what I did, and more importantly, I felt all I did was work.

What was my dream? I wanted to be a stay at home mom (more than ANYTHING!!!), live a life by design, be my own boss, wear what I want, have the freedom to travel with my family, be able to help our parents when they retire, get my "dream" body & be healthy, help other people, and do something that I was PASSIONATE about that would make a positive difference in this world.

I searched for a LONNNNNNG time (believe me!!!!), but nothing ever seemed to "fit". By the time my daughter turned 2, I hit my breaking point. I was done being stressed in a job that I felt completely unfulfilled in, working so much that I wasn't able to be present in my daughter's life like I dreamed of. 

So one night, I PRAYED. I prayed so hard I had tears pouring down my face. I had never wanted something more in my entire life. And after I prayed, I knew I had to LISTEN for my answer.

The very next morning (honest to God), my answer came. I knew this was what I was MEANT to do, I felt it and so I went with it....wholeheartedly & 100%. THAT was when my life completely CHANGED. 

Coaching has allowed me to live my passion & my dream heart emotic And if I can pay this blessing FORWARD to anyone who was similar goals & dreams, I'm going to for the rest of myI am SO incredibly excited for the 18 new coaches who started in my February New Coach Training group today!!! It's going to be so amazing to watch these individuals achieve their big goals & dreams....whether it's to get healthy & fit themselves, help 1 or 100 other people change their life, leave their job, pay off student loans, have more time & freedom with their families....whatever it is! 

And if I can pay this blessing FORWARD to anyone who was similar goals & dreams, I'm going to for the rest of my life!

I am SO incredibly excited for the 18 new coaches who started in my February New Coach Training group today!!! It's going to be so amazing to watch these individuals achieve their big goals & dreams....whether it's to get healthy & fit themselves, help 1 or 100 other people change their life, leave their job, pay off student loans, have more time & freedom with their families....whatever it is!

If you are thinking coaching is something for you, there is still time to join my February Coach Training group if you enroll in the next 24 hrs! Just apply below & message me when you're done!

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